酒后驾车 Drunk Driving

周记网88912023-03-01 12:44:18

Drunk Driving

in China,if one drives after drinking,his driving license will be cancelled(取消).I think the rule will never be too strict if it deals with drunk driving.You should know that drunk driving will ruin(毁灭)others'safety.Every year,there are a lot of traffic accidents caused by drunk driving.Many families are ruined.

A 51-year-old Swedish man drove after drinking,and then he fell asleep.When he woke up,he found that his car was in the ditch(沟)How dangerous!

酒后驾车 Drunk Driving

Life is a one-way ticket.Please cherish(珍惜)yours own life and the others'.



在中国,如果一个人酒驾,他的驾照会被吊销。对于酒驾这个问题,我认为不管多严格的规定都是合理的。 你得知道酒驾会侵犯别人的安全。 每年都有许多酒后驾驶引起的交通事故。许多家庭被毁掉。

一名51岁的瑞典男子醉酒开车,并睡着了。 当他醒来时,发现自已的车在一条沟里。多危险!

生命是一张单程车票。 请珍惜你自己的生命和他人的生命。