秋天来了 Autumn Is Coming

周记网74012023-03-01 13:01:58

Autumn Is Coming

Autumn is coming.There is a jubilant good harvest scene(丰收景象)everywhere.The cotton grins.The soya **iles and bends.The sorghum(高粱)lowers its head,and the corn is black with whiskers(胡须).

In autumn,the weather is cool and dry.People love to have picnics or climb mountains.Some leaves become brown,red or yellow.Some fall from the trees.The weather gets cooler.Some birds fly to warm places.Some animals are getting ready for the winter.

秋天来了 Autumn Is Coming

Of all the four seasons,l like autumn best.It is a beautiful and harvest season.




秋天天气凉爽干燥。 人们喜欢出去野餐或是爬山。有些树叶变成棕色 、红色或是黄色。 有些树叶从树上落下来。 天气也会变得更凉快。一些鸟儿飞去暖和的地方。 一些动物也准备过冬了。

在四个季节里,我最喜欢秋天。 它是一个美丽而又丰收的季节。