美丽的树叶 Beautiful Leaves

周记网83712023-03-17 15:33:11

Beautiful Leaves

Autumn is coming.It also brings a special gift-beautiful leaves.

美丽的树叶 Beautiful Leaves

On the campus,the leaves of the ginkgo(银杏)tree fall to the ground.In the distance,the ginkgo leaves hang(悬挂)on the tree like little fans,and butterflies flying in the tree.Pick up a piece of ginkgo leaf and you will find that ginkgo leaf is green,just a little yellow on the edge.There are also beautiful maple(枫树)leaves in autumn.They are red-brown.They are usually pentagon(五角形)leaves,like *****'s palms(手掌).How beautiful!



秋天来了。 它还给人们带来了一件特别的礼物-一美丽的树叶。

校园里,银杏树的树叶落了一地。 远远看去,树上的银杏叶像一把把小扇子挂在树上,又像一只只蝴蝶在树上飞舞。 捡起一片银杏叶,你会发现,银杏叶是绿色,只是边缘有一点点黄色。秋天还有美丽的枫叶。枫叶是棕红色的。它们一般都是五角枫叶,像大人的手掌一样。真漂亮!