
周记网41412023-02-26 03:46:25

Directions:For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay to express your views on the phenomenon that more and more people live on take-out. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.



The Hazards of Take-out

With the spread of the take-out business, more and more people live on take-out. There is no denying that take-out has its own merits, such as convenience, variety, and time-saving. However, take-out has some potential hazards that cannot be ignored.

The first concern is related to people's health. Some restaurants add more additives such as salt and oil to make their food delicious and appealing. If we ingest too much takeout food, it will do harm to our health. The second concern is about the environment. Most of the take-out is delivered in plastic bags or disposable boxes. It takes a very long time for them to decompose, which will pollute the environment.

To sum up, living on take-out is not only bad for health, but also damages the environment. Therefore, people should reduce their reliance on take-out. Take some time to cook and there will be more fun than ordering take-out.