
周记小编10502023-11-05 08:46:00







All the art in the world are both male.



Children in the future is good or bad, is all about my mother.


Commander in chief of the most important quality is a cool head.


Vanity has produced revolutionary, freedom is just an excuse.



More people to rely on, to survive only on your own.


China is a sleeping lion, once woke up will shock the world.


In my dictionary, there is no word"impossible".


I succeeded because I aspire to success, I never hesitated.


The default powerless, is undoubtedly makes opportunities to failure.


We are not ruling others, is dominated by others.


No matter in what circumstances can happiness.


Courage is based on a sense of self-esteem and develop ability.


In the love battlefield, the only escape is the secret of winning.


If you can use the lightning, it is even more important than cannon.


I only have a advice to you, do your own master.


How far a person's mind, he can walk far.


Otherwise is rational category, is the real victory of the mind.


Courage is a kind of consciousness and ability to develop into based on self-esteem.


As long as you want, as long as you believe, you can do it!


What is the highest moral standards? It is patrioti**.



Wisdom can open!


Spirit is better than force.


Will men no weak soldiers.


One step appearance and ignominy.


I is his own worst enemy.


The real hero without coronation!


Leave ground for retreat, there is no way out.


Rule the world's imagination.


Sincere person, not a sentimental person.


I single-handedly created the environment.


A faithful friend is the embodiment of the bodhisattva.


The difference of the solemn and funny only step.


Love you more than ever now one thousand times.


The real talent is resolute aspirations.


Patrioti**, is the first virtue of civilized men.


No chance, ability will be useless.


A penholder is better than two thousand mauser.


Virtue, ten times the force of the body.


He doesn't want to be a general soldiers isn't a good soldier.


Good at flattering people must be skilled in defamation.


1、Circumstances? I make circumstances!英雄造时势。

2、Victory belongs to the most persevering。坚持必将成功。

3、He who fears being conquered is sure of defeat。害怕被征服的人,注定要失败。

4、It requires more courage to suffer than to die。茍活比牺牲需要更多的勇气。

5、Adversity is the midwife of genius。逆境造就天才。

6、Men are moved by only two levers: fear and self interest。恐惧和兴趣能激励人。

7、The French complain of everything, and always。法国人终其一生都在抱怨所有的事。

8、I like honest men of all colors。我喜欢所有诚实的人。

9、I start out by believing the worst。我凡事先做好最坏的打算。

10、The word'impossible' is not in my dictionary。在我的字典里找不到「不可能」这个字。

11、When you set out to take Vienna, take Vienna。一旦你着手要攻下维也纳,就把她拿下吧﹗

12、The great proof of madness is the disproportion of one's designs to one's means。一个人的计划与实践存在太大的落差即是疯狂的表现。

13、What I did is immense。 What I had decided to do, and what I had projected werestill more so。我所做的是大事业,而我当初的决定与计划亦是如此。

14、Our hour is marked, and no one can claim a moment of life beyond what fate has predestined。生死有命,没有人能要求多活一秒钟。

15、Men take only their needs into consideration, never their abilities。人们常只想到自己的需要,而没考虑自己的能力。

16、I have made all the calculations; fate will do the rest。我已做了所有的打算,其余就交给上帝了。

17、If I had not been born Napoleon, I would have liked to have been born Alexander。如果今天我不是拿破仑的话,我想成为亚历山大。

18、We must laugh at man to avoid crying for him。与其后来替一个人婉惜,不如先嘲笑他算了。

19、The stupid speak of the past, the wise of the present, and fools of the future。聪明的人谈现在,愚蠢的人谈过去,傻子才谈未来。

20、I wished to found a European system, a European Code of Laws, a European judiciary; there would be but one people in Europe。我想建立一个整合的欧洲体系,包含了法律,法庭,与人种。


拿破仑的英语名言及翻译关于拿破仑的英语名言及翻译"Victory belongs to the most persevering."坚持必将成功。"Adversity is the midwife of genius."逆境造就天才。"Genius is an infinite capacity for taking pains."所谓的天才是不断地承受痛楚。"Men are more easily governed through their vices than their virtues."人们较易于受邪恶的摆布胜于受道德的约束。"Circumstances? I make circumstances!"英雄造时势。"Men take only their needs into consideration, never their abilities."人们常只想到自己的需要,而没考虑自己的`能力。"My motto has always been: a career open to all talents, without distinction of birth."我的座右铭是:职业不分贵贱,唯才适用。"Men are moved by only two levers: fear and self interest."恐惧和兴趣能激励人。"Be successful! I judge men only by the results of their actions."一定要成功﹗我只以成败论英雄。"I like honest men of all colors."我喜欢所有诚实的人。"I start out by believing the worst."我凡事先做好最坏的打算。"It requires more courage to suffer than to die."茍活比牺牲需要更多的勇气。"The bullet that will kill me is not yet cast."能杀死我的那颗子弹至今尚未铸造出来。"I have made all the calculations; fate will do the rest."我已做了所有的打算,其余就交给上帝了。"Our hour is marked, and no one can claim a moment of life beyond what fate has predestined."生死有命,没有人能要求多活一秒钟。"Glory is fleeting, but obscurity is forever."荣耀转眼即逝;而平凡才是永恒。"God has given me the will and the force to overcome all obstacles."上帝已赋予我克服种种困难的意志与力量。"If I had not been born Napoleon, I would have liked to have been born Alexander."如果今天我不是拿破仑的话,我想成为亚历山大。"Imagination rules the world."统治这个世界的是想像力。"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."信仰使穷人不至于去谋害富人。"The great proof of madness is the disproportion of one's designs to one's means."一个人的计划与实践存在太大的落差即是疯狂的表现。"The stupid speak of the past, the wise of the present, and fools of the future."聪明的人谈现在,愚蠢的人谈过去,傻子才谈未来。"We must laugh at man to avoid crying for him."与其后来替一个人婉惜,不如先嘲笑他算了。"When you set out to take Vienna, take Vienna."一旦你着手要攻下维也纳,就把她拿下吧﹗"What I did is immense. What I had decided to do, and what I had projected were still more so"我所做的是大事业,而我当初的决定与计划亦是如此。"The word'impossible' is not in my dictionary."在我的字典里找不到「不可能」这个字。"I wished to found a European system, a European Code of Laws, a European judiciary; there would be but one people in Europe."我想建立一个整合的欧洲体系,包含了法律,法庭,与人种。"The French complain of everything, and always."法国人终其一生都在抱怨所有的事。"He who fears being conquered is sure of defeat."害怕被征服的人,注定要失败。"Take time to deliberate, but when the time for action has arrived, stop thinking and go."事前考虑清楚,可是一旦到了该行动的时候,就要毫不犹豫,放手一搏。" Nothing is more difficult, and therefore more precious, than to be able to decide."做决定是困难的,也因此益发珍贵"A people which is able to say everything becomes able to do everything."敢说的人,就做得到。"Courage is like love; it must have hope to nourish it.{勇气」就像「爱情」,需要「希望」来灌溉。"I reign only through the fear I inspire."我是靠人们对我的敬畏来统治的。 by——拿破仑名言 Napoleon Quotes;

哪位好心人有英文版的拿破仑的名言? Victory belongs to the most persevering."坚持必将成功。"Adversity is the midwife of genius."逆境造就天才。"Genius is an infinite capacity for taking pains."所谓的天才是不断地承受痛楚。"Men are more easily governed through their vices than their virtues."人们较易于受邪恶的摆布胜于受道德的约束。"Circumstances? I make circumstances!"英雄造时势。"Men take only their needs into consideration, never their abilities."人们常只想到自己的需要,而没考虑自己的能力。"My motto has always been: a career open to all talents, without distinction of birth."我的座右铭是:职业不分贵贱,唯才适用。"Men are moved by only two levers: fear and self interest."恐惧和兴趣能激励人。"Be successful! I judge men only by the results of their actions."一定要成功!我只以成败论英雄。"I like honest men of all colors."我喜欢所有诚实的人。"I start out by believing the worst."我凡事先做好最坏的打算。"It requires more courage to suffer than to die."苟活比牺牲需要更多的勇气。"The bullet that will kill me is not yet cast."能杀死我的那颗子弹至今尚未铸造出来。"I have made all the calculations; fate will do the rest."我已做了所有的打算,其余就交给上帝了。"Our hour is marked, and no one can claim a moment of life beyond what fate has predestined."生死有命,没有人能要求多活一秒钟。 http://www.15zq.com/Article_Show.asp?ArticleID=1136&ArticlePage=4可以参考这里,很多。

拿破仑名言.(Bonaparte Napoleon, French emperor) 1.To really understand a man we must judge him in misfortune.要真正了解一个人,需在不幸中考察他。 2.he man who has made up his mind to win will never say"impossible".(Bonaparte Napoleon,French emperor)凡是决心取得胜利的人是从来不说“不可能的”。 The man who has made up his mind to win will never say“Impossible”.——Napoleon凡是决心取得胜利的人是从来不说“不可能”的。——拿破仑 3.I succeeded because I willed it; I never hesitated.我成功是因为我有决心,从不踌躇。

Adversity is the midwife of genius

拿破仑的一句名言,要英文的...【我树敌无数但无人匹敌,在橄榄树的绿荫下,他们说意大利不能征服...】"I make enemies numerous, but have never wel opponent. In the olive tree in the shade, they said Italy never been conquered. In pharaoh and Sacramento Kings on the land, they said Egypt will never surrender. In the forest and blizzard nation, they said Russia would never been conquered. Now they have nothing to say. They fear me, like the fear of death and bring furious natural forces. I am napoleon, I am emperor... burned it!"“我树敌无数,却从未逢对手。在橄榄树荫下,他们说意大利永远不会被征服。在法老和国王的土地上,他们说埃及永远不会臣服。在森林与暴雪的国度,他们说俄国永远不会被征服。现在他们已无话可说。他们畏惧我,如同畏惧带来雷霆和死亡的自然的力量。我就是拿破仑,我就是皇帝.......烧掉它!这是偶翻译过来的不是格言上的难懂希望能够看懂


“My enemies are many,my equals are none. In the shade of olive trees,they said Italy could never be conquered.In the land of pharoahs and kings, they said Egypt could never be humbled.In the realm of forest and snow,they said russia could never be tamed.Now they say nothing.They fear me,like a force of nature,a dealer in thunder and death.I say I am Napoleon,I am emperor........Burn it”“我树敌无数,却从未逢对手。在橄榄树荫下,他们说意大利永远不会被征服。在法老和国王的土地上,他们说埃及永远不会臣服。在森林与暴雪的国度,他们说俄国永远不会被征服。现在他们已无话可说。他们畏惧我,如同畏惧带来雷霆和死亡的自然的力量。我就是拿破仑,我就是皇帝.......烧掉它!”我在格言上看的…

I make enemies countless but none unmatched in the olive green shade, they said Italy cannot conquer


3、人将更加努力为他自己的利益,比他自己的权利 4、天才打算瓮点亮他们的世纪的流星5、我知道,当它是必要的,如何把狮子的皮肤采取的狐狸皮。6、历史是对过去的事件的版本,人们一致同意7、是成功的造就伟大的人1、十人讲使噪声比10000who沉默从政2、,愚蠢不是障碍

求拿破仑一句名言的英文原句.在爱情的战场上,唯一获胜的秘诀是逃跑。 2.不想当将军的士兵不是好士兵。3.中国是一头睡狮,一旦醒来将震憾世界。4.爱国是文明人的首要美德。5.想得好是聪明,计划得好更聪明,做得好是最聪明又是最好。6.我性嗜奠基,不嗜产业。我的产业就是荣耀和盛名。7.从伟大崇高到荒谬可笑,其间只相差一步。8.我留给儿子的只有我的名字。9.人一生一世,不给人间留点痕迹,不如不出生。 10.女人是无常多变的,好运也是。

The man who has made up his mind to win will never say"impossible".(Bonaparte Napoleon,French emperor)凡是决心取得胜利的人是从来不说"不可能的"。(法国皇帝拿破仑. B)

There is no"can't" in my dictionary











