
周记网88362023-02-26 16:24:27


During the winter vacation, I received a gift - a squirrel climbing up and down. Don't mention how happy it is.



The squirrel has a pair of **all bony eyes, a pair of **all and delicate ears, the hair on his body is brown, shiny, and there are several black patterns on his back. The hairy tail is always high and cute.


Shortly after the squirrel came to my house, I found a problem: he was too timid to hide in his dark room all day and dare not come out to play. Every time I feed him, he either runs into the dark room to hide in terror or jumps up and down. It has to wait until nobody eats before it dares to slip out quietly. A month has passed, and it is still not adapted to our family life. I think maybe the squirrel should not be caged, but return to nature and live freely in the forest.


One morning, my father and I took the squirrel to the West Hill and put it in the dense virgin forest. I'm not sad to see the squirrel disappearing. Little squirrel, I hope you enjoy your stay here!