
周记网80072023-02-28 21:35:17


On May Day, I was very happy. Because we had a lot of fun at the children's palace.



Three of our family came to the children's palace. I chose my favorite place, lake side, to participate in the most exciting project - water shooting.

我 们上了船,爸爸是舵手,控制方向,妈妈观战,我是狙击手。爸爸驾驶着小船来到了湖中心,我瞄准前方一艘船上的红标记,朝它的船**就开了枪,只听“啪 啪!”两响,“哎呀!”我大叫起来。没有命中。原来是爸爸开船逼近了目标,湖水窜进了船里,我的鞋子全湿了。我不灰心,重新瞄准另一艘船尾上的目标,开枪 一打,唉!又没打中。我紧接着又是一枪,耶!打中了!水都灌进了人家的船舱,人家一家都成了“落汤鸡”了。我高兴的手舞足蹈。大声对爸爸说:“瞧,我的射 击技术还不错吧!”我的话音刚落,人家调头还击。我想,人家看到我得意忘形的样子会更加气愤。我们这两只船的水上大战又开始了……

We got on the boat. Dad was the helm**an. He controlled the direction. Mom watched the battle. I was a sniper. Dad drove the boat to the center of the lake. I aimed at the red mark on a boat in front of me and fired at the bottom of the boat. I just listened to "crack!" Two rings, "Ouch!" I screamed. No hit. It turned out that Dad was sailing close to the target, the lake ran into the boat, and my shoes were all wet. I'm not discouraged. Re-aim at the target on the stern of another ship, shoot a dozen, alas! He missed again. I got another shot right after that, yeah! Hit! The water has been poured into other people's cabin, and everyone's family has become a "drowned rat". I danced happily. Say loudly to Dad: "Look, my shooting skills are not bad!" My voice had just dropped, and people turned their heads to fight back. I think people will be even more angry when they see me look lost. The water war between our two boats started again...


Later, we played a lot of games, such as car racing.


We had a great time that day!