
周记网66012023-03-02 00:50:11


Rain path, moist and slippery, often make people wrestle; rain lake, let the fish breathless, very stuffy; but rain campus is beautiful, intoxicating...

下雨的时候,整个校园像是蒙上了一层薄纱,什么也看不清。它又像是一位仙女降临到了学校,那位仙女哭了,小雨就是她的泪。下雨了,小草接受 着老天爷的赏赐——甘甜的雨水,小草喝了雨水,显得更绿,更嫩了!在花儿的面前,小草没有再低头脸红,而是昂起头,展示自己的威风。高高看去,一片片绿在 校园里默默地衬托着小园。

When it rained, the whole campus was covered with a layer of gauze and could not see anything. It was like a fairy coming to school. The fairy cried and the light rain was her tears. Rain, grass accepts God's reward - sweet rain, grass drinks rain, appears greener, more tender! In front of the flowers, the grass no longer bowed its head and blushed, but raised its head to show its prestige. Looking up, green patches silently set off the **all garden in the campus.



King coconut tree stood in the rain, guarding the door, the coconut tree in the rain, the trunk thicker, the leaves more green, as if for the next young flowers to cover, do not let the wind and rain. Maybe the coconut tree wants to show its authority.


Campus in rain is the world of gauze; Campus in rain is the place where fairies cry; Campus in rain is the stage where grass is displayed; Campus in rain is the object protected by coconut trees. I love colorful campus! I love campus trees and even drips of rain.