
周记网24822023-02-25 15:55:45


This morning, my mother took me to watch the sunrise, and we were happy to climb to the top of the mountain.



At first the sun came out a little, like a bald head without hair. Half the time the sun came out, the sunshine made my mother and I blush like big ripe apples. The sun shines on the white clouds in the sky and dyes them red. The sun came out completely and the earth was golden.


After the sun came out, everything came back to life. Rice, like the first king in the Olympic Games, laughed and stooped down. Willows hung down and swayed in the wind, like a dancer dancing. I said to my mother, "Look, how beautiful!" The breeze blew, as if to affirm my words.


On the way home, my mother and I were still immersed in the beauty of the sunrise. What a beautiful sunrise!