
周记网100522023-02-26 15:41:15



Today is May Day, my father took me to Changsha's "Bird Language Forest" to play. At the top of Yuelu Mountain, before getting off the bus, I heard the birds'song far away.


I jumped out of the car and ran into the Bird Language Forest. I saw a big net high covering a large forest. There were all kinds of birds under the trees. What peacocks, pheasants, parrots, my eyes were blooming. Some of these birds can talk, some can sing, and some can perform. It's very likable.


There is a pond under the hill. A waterfall flies down from the top of the hill. A group of swans swim around in the water. There are mandarin ducks and ducks behind. They are lovely!


There are many tourists in the Bird Language Forest. Some feed the birds and some play with them. I think if I had so many birds! Birds are human friends. We should take good care of them.