
周记网84392023-02-25 11:34:00


At noon on a summer vacation, the hot sun makes people very hot! After dinner, I saw my mother washing dishes, and said to her, "Mom, you have been busy all day, let me help you wash dishes!" Mom agreed happily.


首先我把袖子挽得高高的,用塞子把下水口堵住。接着我把餐具一古脑儿地塞进水池里,给里面放了一些热水,倒了点儿洗洁净,我哼着歌把手放下去。 忽然用弹了回来。嗨!都怪我粗心,连冷水都忘了加。我拧开自来水龙头,加上冷水。洗洁净可真滑,亚麻沾在碗上,似乎涂了一层润滑油,一不小心,一只碗“哧 溜”一声,从我的手里溜了出去。

First I rolled up my sleeves and plugged the drain. Then I stuffed the tableware into the pool, put some hot water in it, poured it a little cleaner, and hummed my hand down. Suddenly it bounced back. Hey! I was so careless that I forgot to add cold water. I turned on the tap and added cold water. Wash clean can be really slippery, linen stained on the bowl, it seems to be coated with a layer of lubricant, accidentally, a bowl "chuck" out of my hands.