
周记网97982023-03-02 17:24:09

我家有一盆仙人掌。刚买来时它只有两三瓣,不出几个月就长了满满一盆,翠翠绿绿的,多可爱呀!我经常去观赏它,给它浇浇,水松松土。仙人掌的“手掌”上长着很多刺,有一次我不小心被它刺这了,真疼呀!我渐渐地 对它产生了厌恶之心,觉得太小气,为了不让别人动它一下, 就长出令人讨厌的小刺来保护自己。于是,我就一连几个月不给它浇水、松土了,渐渐地我把它忘了。

I have a pot of cacti at home. When I first bought it, it was only two or three petals. Within a few months, it was full of a basin. It was green and lovely. I often went to watch it, water it, and loosen the soil. There are many thorns on the cactus's "palm". Once I was stabbed by it accidentally, it hurt! I gradually became disgusted with it and felt too stingy. In order to prevent others from moving it, I grew disgusting thorns to protect myself. So I didn't water and loosen the soil for several months, and gradually I forgot it.



One day, I was doing my homework. Suddenly, I **elled the fragrance of flowers and went to the balcony to see where there were flowers. At this time, my eyes fell on the cactus in the corner. The green "palm" was covered with dust. On the dusty palm, a pale yellow flower blossoms. Ah, it can produce **all yellow flowers without drinking water for a few months, and bring flowers to people! I am very surprised. Therefore. I grabbed the kettle to water and loosen the soil.


After washing with water, I saw the green color of cactus again. I'm really happy.