
周记网33312023-02-27 18:03:03


Today, I found a little secret. With a piece of paper and a candle, you can make the cold water boil. It's very strange for all of you. Water can permeate paper, and fire can ignite paper. How can we make paper not permeated by water, not ignited by fire, and water can boil? Now I'll teach you to do this experiment together!


材料:一张纸 、一根蜡烛、一个打火机、一杯水。

Materials: a piece of paper, a candle, a lighter and a glass of water.


First, fold the paper into a basin, light the candle with a lighter, then pour water into the basin, and finally put the paper on the candle (Note: there should be a distance of 1-3cm between the paper and the candle). About ten minutes later, the water will roll.


Isn't it amazing? I found it by accident!